Wayne, you need a blog..

All this information, dispersed and broken up inside a google group and
different Wikipages. I think you need a blog so we can keep up with
everything you are doing and thinking about

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:56 AM, Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 09:49 -0700, Steve Foerster wrote:
> Wayne wrote:
> << WikiEducator 3.0 refers to the phases of our strategic plan: >>
> Oooooh, okay, fair enough.
>  I've started a stub for Wkieducator 3.0 --- The idea being to provide a
> synopsis of our strategy and concise history of the project as the basis to
> ask the community to help us identify the strategic and operational
> priorities of Phase 3 in our development.
>  << TImeline: Startup of the new International Center for Open
> Education is scheduled for 1 May 2009.  COL has agreed to fund the
> technical infrastructure of WIkiEducator for the first 3 years, that
> is servers and technical support staff. COL's future support for
> WikiEducator is conditional and requires that WikiEducator is
> established within a new legal framework that COL considers
> appropriate for such support.  Our discussions have been around
> setting up an independent and appropriate non-profit entity. >>
> I agree that this is critically important.  In order to set up a non-
> profit organisation, it must have by-laws, yes?  And these would
> presumably refer to a governance structure, e.g., Board of Directors
> or Trustees or what have you?  I ask because if that's the case then
> this would effectively replace our Draft Policy on Governance, and if
> that's so we must be the ones to write it.
>  Steve, replacing our Draft Policy on Governance -- not necessarily.
> My personal view is that we should do everything we can to respect and
> support the autonomy of the WE community taking into account our history and
> what's been achieved to date and the legal requirements.  It is conceivable
> to have an independent non profit that is responsible for maintaining the
> technical and operational infrastructure of the WikiEducator community in
> accordance with the policies approved by the WikiEducator Community Council
> without interfering with the governance of the community.  I'm not a lawyer
> and we'll need to get legal advice on this question.  So let's wait till we
> have feedback from the experts.
> << Steve the Open Education Centre comes under an employer - employee
> relationship. This is subject to the normal confidences afforded to
> employment agreements. >>
> I hope that doesn't mean that you foresee your relationship with Otago
> would require confidences that would preclude you from sharing
> relevant information with the WE community.
>  Nope -- I don't see it that way at all.  We all have multiple roles and
> identities. My participation in WE is as an equal member of the WE family.
> For example, you work at a University -- but participate in WE as a member
> of the community. What I anticipate is a job description which gives me the
> time to work for the WikiEducator project as an organisational allocation of
> staff time. Increasingly, I hope to see more institutions officially
> donating FTE (Full time equivalent) staff time to the project. I've been
> thinking about launching an FTE for WikiEducator initiative where
> institutions commit real staff time to the project.
> << The moment I have definitive detail on the relationship between the
> operations of the International Centre for Open Education and the
> WikiEducator project -- I will be the first to let our community know.
> >>
> Fair enough.
> << Suffice it to say, the establishment of an independent legal entity
> for administering the funding for the WE project is a critical path
> decision for moving forward.  Currently -- WE has no legal status. WE
> is a community of association whereby individual members are
> personally responsible (and liable) for their activities in the
> community. >>
> Very good, on this I think everyone agrees.  Can we assume the non-
> profit group would be chartered in NZ?  (Fine with me if it is, so
> long as NZ recognises public domain dedications.)
>  Yes -- the non-profit would be chartered in NZ. To the best of my knowledge, 
> NZ recognises public domain dedications.
> The final form of the non-profit is not my decision, nor should it be. This
> has to do with taxation status of different kinds of entities, for example
> an Educational Charitable Trust versus a non-profit company with charitable
> purposes.  In the case of NZ Educational Trust, to retain "tax free" status
> has implications regarding disbursements -- this has nothing to do with the
> form of the entity but local taxation law. As an international project we
> must ensure that WE can continue its work at an international level.  This
> international stuff gets pretty complicated -- our server sits in Germany
> and we will more than likely have our Phase 2 hosting located in Canada.
> Each country has its laws around these things as well. I'm not a lawyer and
> we will rely on the advice of legal professionals working in the field.
> There is also the question of legal liability of the organisation that funds
> operations etc. So lots of detail that needs to be worked out.
>  << I have always acted in the best interests of the WIkiEducator
> project. I hold the highest number of edits in the community and the
> accolade of being the first member of WikiEducator :-).  Since the
> inception of the project I have always put community first and will
> continue to do so. >>
> I know.  I really hope you don't think that I'm asking you these
> questions because of any doubt of that, as for the record I have none
> at all.  And hopefully everyone understands that you can't know
> everything yet.  I'm only bugging you this way because I want to
> ensure that the community is as involved as possible in what happens
> to us, and you can't reasonably facilitate that if we don't do our
> part by asking what we need to know.
>  I respect and admire your approach and ongoing commitment to our project
> since the early days :-) --- keep bugging!
> Cheers
> Wayne
>  -=Steve=-
> >

Leigh Blackall
skype - leigh_blackall
SL - Leroy Goalpost

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