Hi Steve,

Responses in text below - 

On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 09:53 -0700, Steve Foerster wrote:

> Wayne wrote:
> << This is an open invitation to all WIkiEducators for any questions
> you may have about WikiEducator 3.0,  but more importantly providing
> us with well-founded advice on our next steps. >>
> I have a few questions:
> * Where did we get "WikiEducator 3.0"?  I wasn't aware we'd had a
> 2.0.  If anything, I'd call everything up to the point of elected
> community governance a beta version, and only now really going into
> production.  Or, that we were in alpha before, now we're in beta, and
> once we have a separate legal entity we'll be in production.  (Not
> that I'd suggest actually using any of that, I only meant those as
> comparative analogies.)

WikiEducator 3.0 refers to the phases of our strategic plan:

Phase 1: Establishing Foundations (May 2006 - Dec 2007)
Phase 2: Scaling up free content development (Jan 2008 - Dec 2008)
Phase 3: Sustainable implementation of free content in education (Jan
2009 - )


> * I'd like to know exactly what your proposed timeline is for
> transferring WE from COL to Otago, what needs to be done, etc.  How
> much do you have to do, and how much can others help you?

TImeline: Startup of the new International Center for Open Education is
scheduled for 1 May 2009.

COL has agreed to fund the technical infrastructure of WIkiEducator for
the first 3 years, that is servers and technical support staff. COL's
future support for WikiEducator is conditional and requires that
WikiEducator is established within a new legal framework that COL
considers appropriate for such support.  Our discussions have been
around setting up an independent and appropriate non-profit entity. 

At this time I don't have all the information that we need to determine
the action items and detailed project plan  -- but rest assured we're
most definitely going to need lots of help from the community. 

> * I'd like to know more about the International Centre for Open
> Education that is being established at Otago Polytechnic.  If I
> understand correctly, that's something that will be permanently
> attached to Otago, so it won't serve as the separate legal entity that
> WE needs.  What will this Centre's relationship with WE be, and what
> else might it do?

Steve the Open Education Centre comes under an employer - employee
relationship. This is subject to the normal confidences afforded to
employment agreements. The moment I have definitive detail on the
relationship between the operations of the International Centre for Open
Education and the  WikiEducator project -- I will be the first to let
our community know.  Suffice it to say, the establishment of an
independent legal entity for administering the funding for the WE
project is a critical path decision for moving forward.  Currently -- WE
has no legal status. WE is a community of association whereby individual
members are personally responsible (and liable) for their activities in
the community. 

> * I understand that to this point you were acting in WE's interest and
> had to act quickly, and especially given that Otago seems to be more
> flexible than COL when it comes to software development and
> multilanguage support, I'm pleased we're moving there.  However, I
> believe that from this point forward issues must be discussed openly
> and decisions must be made through Council resolutions.  Do you see
> anything in our future that would make this impractical?

I have always acted in the best interests of the WIkiEducator project. I
hold the highest number of edits in the community and the accolade of
being the first member of WikiEducator :-).  Since the inception of the
project I have always put community first and will continue to do so.
For the record, international education specialists at COL are appointed
on a rotation basis --- i.e. 3 year contracts. My contract with COL
expires on 30 April 2008.  Yes I do agree -- where feasible, all issues
pertaining to WIkiEducator must be discussed transparently. 


> Thanks,
> -=Steve=-
> > 

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