>  I haven't yet come across any
> materials that really get into teaching people to collaboratively
> create materials... Maybe this is an OER that is well overdue... upon
> a review of the recently published OER handbook (http://
> www.wikieducator.org/OER_Handbook/educator) there isn't a lot of
> materials on encouraging collaboration...
In "Here comes everybody", a wonderful book overall, Shirky talks about
levels of interaction, listing sharing, conversation, collaboration and
collective action. Unfortunately, all his examples of collective action are
protests :-) I think social software can elevate simple sharing into
something bigger, better and more meaningful.

One easy collaboration task is creating a collection. I've used the task
many times in different settings, from international conferences to algebra
playgroups for five year olds. Here is the latest online collection example:
collecting math morphemes into an "English language extender" called
MathLexicon <http://www.naturalmath.com/mathlexicon/index.php>. It's
basically a dictionary ran with a couple of game mechanics. Maybe we can
have a "lesson creation" party where we can collect some lesson ideas,
collectively ;-) Everybody can contribute from the point of view of his or
her discipline. We can build a whole lesson this way, which will, surely, be
bigger than the sum of our individually contributed parts.


I write, 'In the beginning was the Deed!' - Goethe, Faust

naturalmath.com: a sketch of a social math site
groups.google.com/group/naturalmath: a mailing list about math maker

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