On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 8:06 PM, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Keegan,
> May I point out that the term on the timeline is "deadline", as in
> "commitment", not as in "estimate". I view commitments as serious business.
> I believe that in IEGCom we met our deadlines every single time when I was
> on that committee, the Signpost is published weekly with rare exceptions,
> and there were a number of nights as a WMF intern when I got less than 6
> hours of sleep in my semi-successful efforts to keep my commitments to WMF
> and to my other employer. ( I do thank WMF for that internship, it was a
> good experience overall). Of course there may be variances from schedules
> on occasion (people do get sick, have their cars break down, etc), but I
> believe that Lila made a point in the All Hands that projects are to be
> completed on time, and I think it's reasonable that commitments should be
> kept whenever possible. I try to do this myself and I hope that WMF takes
> its commitments seriously too.
> The report of the Finance Fellows will inform some of my thinking about
> Cascadia's budget and it would be helpful to have the draft published early
> this week.
> Thank you,
> Pine


I do not believe I was questioning the commitments of anyone​, nor was I
seeking to argue those points with you. I am simply saying, and I still
believe this is true, that it's not an unreasonable observation that this
is the weekend nor is it unexpected for people to take weekends off.
Weekends are terrible times to release news, for the very reason that
people are taking them off. Having some patience for Monday to arrive is
not too much to ask at all.




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