(Sorry, the layout of my last mail was horrible, so here it is again,
hopefully better to read:)

2015-10-04 17:42 GMT+02:00 Florence Devouard <anthe...@yahoo.com>:

> Le 04/10/15 16:15, Theo10011 a écrit :
> Now, beside head rolling... (uh, ouch :)) what do you suggest to fix that ?
> ​
I don't see that anything needs fixing here.

So, what happened? The Wikimania committee came to the conclusion that the
​ ​
process to select the next Wikimania host is broken (and I think the
committee was right
​ ​
about that). So something needed to happen - and the committee did
something that we see
​ ​
not often enough in Wikimedia-land: they made a decision. ​A decision they
were tasked to
​ ​
take: Think and decide on the next Wikimania host, and on the process to
find one. Nobody
​ ​
ever said that their job was only to execute a set of old guidlines and
processes (which, I
​ ​
guess, were never "community approved" but rather were around just for a
long, long time).

​So, they abandoned the process, came up with a new one, and decided who
would host
​ ​
Wikimania in 2017 (Montreal seems a great choice, btw - I mean, a bilingual
city has some
​ ​
great opportunities for us, right?).​

​Whats wrong with that? Nothing!

Let's face some truths here:

   1. ​Wikimania has become well too big to be run by volunteers. EVERY
   Wikimania since Danzig (at least) happened only because the WMF jumped in
   at one point of time to rescue the whole event. That is not to say that
   volunteers did not do a great job for Wikimania - but the job proved to be
   too big for volunteers, for at least five times in a row. So it was right
   to abandon the current process and replace it with something new.
   2. The new process has a lot of problems build in - I think, for
   example, that the decision to exclude major parts of the world from
   Wikimanias (except for every third year, when regions are "up to grabs)​,
   is​ ​wrong. BUT: We now have at least 18 MONTHS to fix this (and possible
   other problems) - thanks to the bold decision of the Wikimania committee.
   3. "There are two things in the world you never want to let people see
   how you make 'em: laws and sausages" (Leo McGarry, The West Wing, "Five
   Votes Down"). And there is one thing Wikimedians in this world could not
   care less​ about​: How the next host for Wikimania is found. Let's applaud
   the great people of the Wikimania Committee that they took on that task,
   came up with a great decision for 2017 AND implemented a new (even so not
   perfect) process ​while they were at it.​
   4. I think with a lot of things in Wikimedia-land, we need MORE bold
   decisions (by whomever)​, and LESS "community consultation"​ that only
   leads to some old-timers in en.WP and de.WP voice their anger and concerns,
   but rarely solves the problem that needs solving.​
   5. ​
   Dear Wikimania Committee: Your communication of thi​s whole thing ​
   sucked​, big time.​ Consider yourself scolded. Move on.



> [1]https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_Committee#Purpose_and_process
>> On Sun, Oct 4, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Pine W <wiki.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes and no. Considering that I've been waiting for months for answers to
>>> questions about the WMF Annual Plan, I would say that there is much room
>>> for improvement in communications.
>>> On the other hand, the WMF Comms department itself seems to more or less
>>> ok, and I personally think we'll of WMF's chief communications officer.
>>> So, some good points, and some room to improve. I agree that the status
>>> quo
>>> has been this way for awhile and it would be good to see across-the-board
>>> communications SLAs.
>>> Pine
>>> On Oct 4, 2015 12:18 AM, "Mathias Damour" <mathias.dam...@laposte.net>
>>> wrote:
>>> Le 04/10/2015 05:36, Craig Franklin a écrit :
>>>> I take your point Pine, but "improving communication with the community"
>>>>> seems to have been a WMF priority for as long as I can remember, yet
>>>> there
>>>> doesn't seem to have been any consistent improvement, as we can see
>>>> here.
>>>> A new approach and direction to how matters like this are communicated
>>>> is
>>>> clearly needed, because the current one doesn't seem to be working at
>>>> all.
>>>> I wouldn't say that the WMF communication is simply bad, it is pretty
>>>> professional.
>>>> It may rather be that an open communication and keeping control on the
>>>> greater part of the decisions (or even conducting the users of the
>>> projets
>>>> themself, as an average internet company does), are "two tendancies that
>>>> are not fully compatible" (to borrow Florence's words).
>>>> --
>>>> Mathias Damour
>>>> [[User:Astirmays]]
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Pavel Richter
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