Is it time for a #IamwithVibber tag now? :)

It might be time to consider just promoting Brion or something? (as deputy
or head of engineering). There is no one the community would trust more on
the engineering needs of WMF. And from the looks of it, he does have the
support of staff and isn't holding back any relevant information or
opinion. He can bring stability to a very shake ship right now.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2016, Austin Hair <> wrote:
> I really don't think I can let this one go, though. Would you please
> name one "pet project"—actually, I don't think it's so much to ask to
> name them all—that's had to be shut down?

I think that might be a reference to Flow or AFT, even the MoodBar (3 off
the top of my head). Apart from that staff roles and entire departments
like Globaldev, and I even remember a strategy department briefly, that was
reshuffled. The timeline isn't as clear when these things were refactored
but a lot of things were abandoned over the years.

Lila, I don't know what impression you had before you joined WMF. This
wasn't a struggling project, or not at the desperate level that is forming
your narrative now. We had larger and more successful fundraisers every
year, the staff doubled and tripled, the pageviews rose, as did unique
visitors, and we enjoyed an improving reputation - there were no immediate
burning fires that needed addressing. This entire paradigm shift reeks of a
desperation that isn't supported by facts.

Your project and vision is far too radical for the need of the hour. Even
the changes you speak of, they can only be achieved gradually. You can't
turn this ship in such a dramatic fashion for such an ambitious project.
You should have prototyped exactly what it is you want - you had more than
enough funds and resources without this tiny Knight foundation grant and
this whole drama.

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