On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 1:59 AM, Sam Wilson <s...@samwilson.id.au> wrote:

> That's a great idea!
> I think we can use Wikidata to build the list:
> http://tinyurl.com/zwdbzyq
Probably, en.source is the only one who has filled in all Wikisource data
inside Wikidata... Or other Wikisources did that? Do you have some workflow
to share?

> I had been erroneously thinking along the lines that we'd have to be
> uploading something to the items before making it part of a Wikisource
> collection, but of course that's not necessary. I think your hierarchy of
> wikisource collections sounds perfect.


> It'd be cool if items with a page on a Wikisource could have a little
> footnote like they do for Open Library ones ("[image: [Open Library icon]]
> <https://openlibrary.org>This book has an editable web page
> <http://openlibrary.org/ia/thatremystre00gaut> on Open Library
> <https://openlibrary.org/>.).

We can try to convince them about that. It'd be only for a fraction of
books, few thousands over the millions they have.
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