On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Gerard Meijssen
> Hoi,
> When you know what is being indicated by the signing part of a signed
> message, it may not be scary. However, do you really expect everyone to know
> and appreciate it as such ?

I'm sorry, but I think we've miscommunicated.

The discussion here is related to a uploader functionalty that would
make uploading larger numbers (or large sized) files more user
friendly and reliable. This could be accomplished with Java, but
because the Java would need to access files on your system it would
have to do things which are not permitted for "sandboxed" Java

When applets are "signed" they can perform actions outside of the
"Java sandbox" without the really nasty security warnings. Signing is
otherwise pretty much invisible to the user.

The other point I was making was that in the past I had inadvertently
left the media player triggering the nasty warning messages, and no
one complained and many (virtually all? as far as I could tell) went
ahead and used the player anyways.

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