It seems that reply doesn't work. So I'll send a new message.
Since the static HTML Wikipedia is not updating (please update), and XML
updates like everyday, the logical choice is to go with XML. Is there any
way to convert XML to HTML, like the static HTML version? I need it in HTML,
and I don't want a one year old version of Wikipedia, with all the useless
information on user talk, discussions, etc.

I don't have mad computer skills like most of you. I need a simple way
(preferably a GUI) to convert XML to HTML. Also, how does the converted XML
look like compared to the real Wikipedia? I've use Bzreader to open it, and
it looks TERRIBLE, without any skin or format organization. Please tell me
the converted XML won't look like this, and looks like the Wikipedia

If the static HTML Wikipedia does update at some time, what are your
preferred method of deleting the user talk, discussion, etc pages? I tried
using Vista's search function and delete all of them with the name "user",
etc. But Vista doesn't like deleting millions of files. Even deleting 1 file
takes minutes (probably due to the sheer number of folders). Is there like a
program that can delete more efficiently? Or a program that deletes while
searching (like finds a page, delete it, move on to search for the next

Thank you SOOOOOO much.
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