On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Chengbin Zheng<chengbinzh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried through Wikipedia mail, and I can't reach him.
> How do you use mediawiki? There are no exe files.

Based on your posts here, I suspect this will be a difficult process
for you.  Even if you had experience installing and administering web
apps, I don't know how reliably the dumps can be imported by third
parties these days.  If you're talking about the English Wikipedia, it
would probably take a lot of processing time (maybe days, on a typical
desktop?) for the dump to actually import, even if it's only the
latest version of each page.  And even after that, I don't know how
easy or reliable it is to export static HTML.

You will definitely, at a minimum, have to use a command line, and
probably will run into at least one difficulty that will require
debugging.  MediaWiki is not really designed to be installed and
administered by users who are only comfortable with GUIs.  You could
probably install it without too much difficulty, but the documentation
for importing the dumps and exporting the static HTML might not be too

If you still want to proceed, this page has lengthy instructions on


I haven't imported a dump anywhere in a long time, and I've never
exported static HTML, so I can't really help you with those offhand.

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