On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Kwan Ting Chan<k...@ktchan.info> wrote:
> I know you want to avoid using command line, but in this case it's really
> much simpler / only feasible choice to search the internet / ask around for
> the right commands and issue that on the command line. It's only going to be
> one line of typing once you've got it, and you can write it down on a piece
> of paper or something for future reference. It's not like you have to learn
> the ins and out of all the commands and its options and what not. (Of
> course, you would want to test it on a small sample to make sure the command
> is correct before you let it loose on the whole dump.)

In my experience, what on Unix is done with generic built-in
command-line utilities can often be done on Windows using
special-purpose GUIs written by third parties (often non-gratis, or
nagware/adware/etc.).  It's obviously a vastly inferior system to
those of us who are happy using command lines, or even who are
accustomed to using open-source GUI software, but it can work.  For
instance, this program provides a function to "Delete files that match
custom file name patterns and filters", and has a free trial version:


So it's not accurate to say it's only feasible to use a command line here.

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