
I am from Malayalam Wikipedia (ml.wikipedia - user:Praveenp), and my 
language is Malayalam.  Consider our one big problem.

After the release of Unicode 5.1.0, there are two kind of encoding for 
some characters of Malayalam alphabet (because of reverse 
compatibility). This cause serious problems in linking, searching etc in 
mediawiki software. Currently Windows 7 is the only operating system 
which supports Unicode 5.1.0. (? according to my knowledge), but lot of 
third-party tools for writing and reading Malayalam supports new 
version. And now large quantity of data in Wikimedia projects are in new 
version. It is not possible to link, or search titles encoded in 
pre-Unicode 5.1.0 from Unicode 5.1.0 or vice versa. Currently one of our 
namespace ???????? (Category) also has one such character, so it is 
possible to write ???????? as ?????? which renders same as first but 
different in encoding. It causes problem in categorization also.

Is it possible to put some unicode equivalence 
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode_equivalence> in mediawiki 
software? We need urgent help.

Pls check 
http://unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.1.0/#Malayalam_Chillu_Characters also

        *Visual *       *Representation in 5.0 and Prior*       *Preferred 5.1 
1       CHILLU_NN.png   0D23, 0D4D, 200D        0D7A

        CHILLU_N.png    0D28, 0D4D, 200D        0D7B
3       CHILLU_RR.png   0D30, 0D4D, 200D        0D7C
4       CHILLU_L.png    0D32, 0D4D, 200D        0D7D
5       CHILLU_LL.png   0D33, 0D4D, 200D        0D7E



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