On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 9:50 PM, John Elliot <j...@jj5.net> wrote:
> I wasn't sure if the empty <ul> was valid HTML5, or if the validator
> wasn't strict enough about it yet. In any event, I'm happy to take your
> word for it.

You don't have to:

"Content model: Zero or more li elements."

The HTML5 validator is generally very strict, much more so than
previous validators.

> I still think that having 'link' and 'top' anchors on section headings
> next to edit links would be a good thing to have on by default in core.

I don't -- it's a lot of extra clutter for not much gain.  For "top",
users can hit Home or such.  For "link", you can go to the top and
then click in the ToC in almost all cases.  But I'm not involved in UI
decision-making at all at this point.

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