On 14 December 2012 10:26, Antoine Musso <hashar+...@free.fr> wrote:
> Le 12/12/12 21:57, David Gerard a écrit :

>> If anyone owning a chunk of H.264 had a problem with Wikimedia doing
>> things with H.264 in the US, it could only be bad for them. I would
>> suggest this aspect isn't really a problem.

> Morally I must agree.  Legally I emit a huge doubt on this assumption.
> We had the SCO - Linux affair [1] a few years ago where some "unknown"
> company started sueing anyone using Unix based on copyright
> infringement.  It only takes one company and a bunch of lawyers to start
> being sued.
> [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCO–Linux_controversies

I was thinking legally too, but yeah, danger of patent trolls on
serving - I was thinking only of the big guys. Definitely one for WMF

Ingestion should be feasible outside the US, though, if accepting
encumbered formats (e.g. anything a mobile phone records) is deemed a
legal hazard.

- d.

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