On Thu, Feb 7, 2013 at 1:31 PM, Daniel Barrett <d...@vistaprint.com> wrote:
> ...
> 1. A desire for a department to have "their own space" on the wiki.

I assume you looked at enabling subpages in the main namespace?[1]
That way Human Resources/Payroll/Show_me_the_money gets a nice
breadcrumb up to Payroll and Human Resources landing pages.  You can
encourage people to create subpages rather than making yet another
top-level page by putting [Create page] forms on landing pages  that
use a local template[2] and prepend the local hierarchy.

> I'm not talking about access control, but (1) customized look & feel, and (2) 
> ability to narrow searches to find articles only within that space.

(1) Code could infer subpage hierarchy and apply CSS from a
corresponding CSS hierarchy.

(2) Add prefix: to the searches to search subpages, you can make a
form for it[3].  Also Special:PrefixIndex can be helpful, e.g. just
listing all subpages of the current landing page:
  == Subpages of {{FULLPAGENAME}}==


[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgNamespacesWithSubpages

[2] something like
preload=Template:Human Resources meeting
buttonlabel=Create a new page for a Human Resources meeting
default=Human Resources/Meetings/{{CURRENTYEAR}}-{{CURRENTMONTH}}-{{CURRENTDAY}}

[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Search_box and similar.

=S Page  software engineer on Editor Engagement Experiments

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