@Waldir:working on the link you sent me.I will notify you if I need any help

@Quim:While I will love to work under a project and be guided .It will be
great if you can suggest some beginner level project and  I can work with
someone or by my own.
I will like to solve arithmetic bugs,logical bugs,deadlock situation and
teamworking bugs.
And one more thing as mediaWiki documentation is so vast, how will I know
in which specific area I have to develop my skills so that I will able to
get the idea as well as solve it which will be proposed for gsoc 2013?Do I
need to contact the mentors?

Thanks for being so helpful.


On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 9:13 PM, Quim Gil <q...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> On 02/26/2013 01:23 AM, Atul Agrawal wrote:
>> Thanks a lot.Will try to fix bugs.But what knowledge should I have to fix
>> bugs?knowing php is sufficient?Till now I have read this page(
>> Developing_Extensions<http://**www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:**
>> Developing_extensions<http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Developing_extensions>
>> >.If
>> you can share the documents one should read before fixing bugs,I will be
>> highly obliged.
> We have many different software projects, and what to read depends pon
> what bugs you want to fix.
> Why not choosing first a project or a bug that interests you, and then
> learn about the pieces involved as you try to fix it?
> We can help you find a first bug. What is your area of interest?
> --
> Quim Gil
> Technical Contributor Coordinator @ Wikimedia Foundation
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/**User:Qgil<http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Qgil>
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Atul Agrawal
B.E Mechanical
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