On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Quim Gil <q...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> And more: that overwhelming page focuses on PHP / MediaWiki core /
> extensions while all the newer areas of development are still missing. A
> Developer Hub must be the hub for all developers.


> Following with your proposal, we could have:
> - Developer Hub: a general overview with a very focused selection of links
> to send people to appropriate places. Less is more.
> - /Get started (or similar name): intro for newcomers with relevant links.
> - /Reference (or similar name): what developers need on a regular basis.
> Developer Hub and Get started should be more concise and visually
> pleasant, satisfying new developers. Reference is for usual suspects, so it
> could have more beef and links in order to have everything in one place.
> Do you think this makes sense? Should we start discussing at
> http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/**Talk:Developer_hub<http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Developer_hub>?

Yes, that makes sense, though we need to think about how the pages in the
Manual namespace would fit this arrangement. Other developers' opinions
(seasoned and newcomers alike) would be quite valuable to prevent wasted
effort due to overlooking details like these.

Also, I agree that it would be best to have this discussion at
Talk:Developer hub. Perhaps copying this thread there (or linking to the
mailing list archives) would be a good idea, to provide context.

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