discussion start "How/whether MediaWiki could use ZendOptimizuerPlus"

Since a short time

  * ZendOptimizerPlus (Opcode cache; source [4])

is under PHP license and planned to be integrated in PHP 5.5.
The former restrictions of this program (closed-source etc.) appear to
be gone,
so I'd like to open discussions how MediaWIki could be adapted to make
use of it.

Because APC does not work with PHP 5.4, (or APC is beta for PHP 5.4),
I wanted to make use of the new ZendOptimizer with PHP 5.4 ...

  * but MediaWiki apparently does not work with that. ( CACHE_ACCEL )

*Who knows more ?*
and could help to get the Zend cache working and APC replaced ?
Or is this not possible, because Zend is only for opcode caching ??

MediaWiki pages [1,2] should be /*revisited *//*and updated*/ according
to current knowledge and version /*by cache experts*/



[3}] says: "This RFC proposes integrating the Zend Optimizer+ component
into the Open Source PHP distribution. Optimizer+ is the fastest opcode
cache available for PHP, and presently supports PHP 5.2 through 5.5,
with public builds available for PHP 5.2 through 5.4. It was originally
developed in 1998 and was the first opcode cache available for PHP.

Presently, Optimizer+ is a closed-source, yet free-for-use component. As
a part of implementing this RFC - Zend will make the source code of
Optimizer+ available under the PHP License, so that it can become an
integrated part of PHP with no strings attached. Once that happens,
community contribution would be welcome exactly like it is with any
other PHP component, and the component will be governed by the exact
same processes (RFC et. al) that are employed by the PHP community."

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