On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 10:42 AM, Thomas Gries <m...@tgries.de> wrote:
> Am 21.03.2013 15:23, schrieb Chad:
>> You're confusing opcode caching with shared memory caching.
> thanks, as already mentioned, I anticipated that difference.
>> Having the Zend
>> Optimizer doesn't prohibit you from using APC's shared memory caching.
> But APC has issues with PHP 5.4 .
> What can we MediaWiki developers do to get this (APC) working  with PHP 5.4+

Nothing, unless someone wants to contribute upstream with patches or
bug reports.

>>  And
>> since Zend Optimizer doesn't do shared memory functionality, there's
>> no "support"
>> that needs to be added anywhere (now, if they introduce such a feature, 
>> that's
>> another story).
> +1
> Wouldn't that be an improvement, can you contact these people ?
> I found, that APC  is a "must have" for larger MediaWikis, and would
> like to see further methods supported in the core or by extensions.

Sure, it'd be an improvement--go ahead and file a bug wherever it
belongs upstream (github?). If and when they decide to implement
it, *then* would be the time to make MW changes :)


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