On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 4:06 AM, Markus Glaser <gla...@hallowelt.biz> wrote:

> I like that idea very much. In the use case I have in mind, though, I do
> have actual releases. Do you think it's possible for your extension to also
> consider tags? I am thinking of something like a tagging convention, e.g.
> "RELEASE v1.20". ExtensionStatus could then "parse" the tag and send it
> back to the user.

Hi Markus,

Absolutely, I wish it was already a convention. I created the 'read the
remote git' to go around that problem. I could, however, set the system to
first check a release tag and then fall back to testing dates/commits like
it does now if the release tag is unavailable.

The problem with tags, though, is that we will need to have some common
location that keeps the newest release on record so the extension can then
compare the local tag against a remote update. I believe this is what's
done in systems like Wordpress and Drupal, but their extension database
system is completely different, too, and I don't think it fits MW at all.
For that matter, their extensions are more 'individual-based' rather than
collaborative to the community, that won't work here.

It will also require extension updaters/developers to update those tags.
I think it's fairly easy to add a local vs remote tag comparison, the
question is how it can be implemented in terms of convention so all
extensions end up following it. Is it realistic?

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