Tim Starling wrote:
> The test used upload.wikimedia.org, at a time when the
> browser would already have a keepalive connection open to port 80 but
> not port 443. Client-side aborts caused by navigating away from the
> page are not logged, and so if the HTTP request completes earlier than
> the HTTPS request, this opens a window for a systemic error in the
> results. If the user navigates away after the completion of the HTTP
> request, but before the completion of the HTTPS request, this would be
> logged as an HTTPS failure.

This is simply not true. The request to log the event hits
bits.wikimedia.org and is distinct from either request used as part of the
test. Navigating away before both requests have completed (or have been
forcibly timed-out) prevents the event from being logged at all.
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