Le 25/06/2014 00:46, Chris Steipp a écrit :
> I just +2'ed a change to add a few basic selenium tests to core [1]. I
> think it will benefit us all to have a set of automated tests to
> quickly make sure mediawiki is working correctly. From a security
> perspective, this also takes a step towards more efficient security
> testing, which I'm also a fan of (if you've tried blindly scanning
> mediawiki, you know what I'm talking about..).

The next big step would be to trigger them whenever someone propose a
patchset in Gerrit or vote +2.  We have some scripts to setup a
MediaWiki locally and run the browser tests, but that proven to be a bit
unstable :-/

I am wondering how developer would feel with having browser tests
reported back to Gerrit.  Possibly has a different check so we dont have
to wait for them to complete before reporting all the other tests.

> I'd like to see more tests added and backported to REL1_23 to make
> sure we have an ongoing suite to check releases against for next few
> years that we support that LTS. If anyone is interested in both
> mediawiki core and browser tests, I'm sure the QA team would like to
> get you involved.

That is a nice idea.  We could then trigger them before releasing a new
tarball which will add some confidence.  There is a bit of script needed
there but that is definitely doable.

> Big thanks to hashar, Chris McMahon, and Dan Duvall for indulging me
> and getting this done. I'll let them jump in with all the details I've
> missed.

Oh I have done nothing beside requesting someone to write the
announcement :-]

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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