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What 14 channels are you using?
Are you reusing as you go around the array or using a band?

Jon Freeman wrote:
| Some math offers insight on this question?
| Assuming the following:
| ·         we?re looking at a single area (i.e. lecture hall),
| ·         No retransmits are allowed (not real world, but is a best case
| example)
| ·         we?re talking about an average sized PPT of 10MB (looking
| through my PPT folder this was just my average)
| ·         Student and teacher expectations of speed is drawn from their
| homes (i.e. cable and DSL), less than this will be noticed and likely
| complained about
| ·         the room?s average data rate is 54Mbs (10 people by 10 people
| = 50ftx50ft)
| ·         100 people, all downloading at the same time
| ·         max radio density for Meru is 3 (i.e. 3 channels of coverage,
| this is the most non-overlapping channels you can light in this area
| without interference problems using their latest gear)
| ·         Actual throughput for TCP data is 20Mbs per channel (54Mbs
| less Wi-Fi management overheads ? this is a number referred to in the
| 802.11 spec and one I?ve observed many times)
| ·         Max radio density available from other shipping solutions
| today is 15 channels
| _Meru Solution:_
| ·         20Mbs x 3 = 60Mbs converting to Bytes /8 = 7.5MB/sec /100
| people = .075MB/sec (using 1024KB to the MB, this is 76KB/sec/user of
| ·         Time to download 10MB/.075MB = 133 sec/user to download a 10MB
| file (_about 2 minutes_), so a 40MB file would take ~8min/user?.
| ·         Link throughput then is 76KBs TCP for each user?.you decide if
| that?s acceptable
| _14 channel solution:_
| ·         20Mbs x 15 = 300Mbs
| ·         5 times the bandwidth = 5 times the throughput
| ·         76KBs/user x 5 = 380KBs TCP for each user of link throughput
| (and this is a little bit better than most uplink speeds on home
| broadband, www.speedtest.net <http://www.speedtest.net> is what I?ve
| used on many LANs)
| ·         Instead of 2 minutes waiting, the 10MB file downloads with
| this solution in _26 seconds_, and about  1 ½ min for a 40MB file,
| versus 8 minutes.
| So, we can assume that Frank?s interviews from 2 years ago don?t account
| for the latest technologies.  Sorry Frank, I don?t mean to poke holes in
| your study, but it is 2 years old and we are talking about technology.
| Didn?t we stop trying to manage limited bandwidth when ATM failed?  When
| did we go back to thinking that?s ok?
| I like more power, more speed, better, faster?.
|  Jon
| 303-808-2666
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| *From:* The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Frank Bulk
| *Sent:* Friday, April 11, 2008 10:07 AM
| *Subject:* Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] many clients, one room
| Based on research and interviews I performed two years ago, it appeared
| that for dense client usage in a confined space, Meru was the product
| most often implemented.  These organizations chose Meru because it
| worked well or better than the competitor.
| Competitors argued that their product wasn?t set up correctly or
| optimally.
| I?ll let others with production networks pipe in with their experiences.
| Frank
| *From:* The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
| [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Don Wright
| *Sent:* Friday, April 11, 2008 9:59 AM
| *Subject:* [WIRELESS-LAN] many clients, one room
|    I know this has been talked about and debated on this list before,
| but what are people doing today when faced with a request like the need
| ?for 100 students simultaneously downloading a powerpoint
|     Recently there was discussion on MCA vs. SCA vendors and how each
| handles this worst case scenario.   Since we are an MCA (Aruba), I?d be
| interested in hearing what others have done or are planning for large
| classrooms and auditoriums.
| --
| Don Wright
| Network Technologies Group
| Brown University
| wire --- less, wi-fi ))) more
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| Constituent Group discussion list can be found at
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| ********** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE
| Constituent Group discussion list can be found at
| http://www.educause.edu/groups/.
| ********** Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE
| Constituent Group discussion list can be found at
| http://www.educause.edu/groups/.

- --
James Eyrich
Wireless and Wired Network Designer
CITES - Network Design and Maintenance - Network Design Office
University of Illinois

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