We went with a conventional approach using Cisco LWAPPs.  We have
several auditoriums that require 105 simultaneous devices (laptops) to
be using the wireless for lectures, seminars, etc.  The auditoriums
already have 802.11 a, b/g coverage using Cisco LWAPPs.  In order to get
the device density we enhanced the coverage by adding additional 1131
LWAPPs and turning off the b/g 2.4 GHz radio in each AP.  The students
use laptops that are set to use 802.11a only.  This also allows for a
few to use 802.11b/g.  For 105 devices we used 4 additional 1131 APs, or
about 25 devices per AP.  The students have been using this all year
with no complaints.  This was before the 802.11 a/n, b/g/n 1252 AP was

Jeff Paynter
University of Rochester Medical Center


From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Don Wright
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 10:59 AM
Subject: [WIRELESS-LAN] many clients, one room


   I know this has been talked about and debated on this list before,
but what are people doing today when faced with a request like the need
"for 100 students simultaneously downloading a powerpoint presentation".

    Recently there was discussion on MCA vs. SCA vendors and how each
handles this worst case scenario.   Since we are an MCA (Aruba), I'd be
interested in hearing what others have done or are planning for large
classrooms and auditoriums.

Don Wright
Network Technologies Group
Brown University
wire --- less, wi-fi ))) more

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