
We've used Procurve access points for about 6 years now.  We still have
quite a few 420's in service though we're starting to move them out of
service, and have a bunch of RP210's connected to a WESM controller.  I had
been holding out on deploying any of the MSM (Coloubris) access points
because there wasn't a way to make them work with Bradford Campus Manager.
This problem is supposed to be solved between the latest release of the
controller firmware.  I hope to set up a proof of concept of the two working
together, and assuming that all looks good will probably deploy several MSM
422's this summer.

I tried a few Meraki's about 3 years ago in an attempt to provide outdoor
wireless to several of our sports fields.  They found each other and
magically made a mesh just like they were supposed to.  If I configured them
as a wide open wireless network I never had any trouble connecting to it.
When I made an account in Meraki's cloud controller (I don't think they
called it that yet) we had fairly mixed luck with getting that to work.
Sometimes it'd work sometimes it'd time out.  I see that they don't make
that model of AP any more, and that they've made quite a few changes to
their controller, so maybe that experience is irrelevant what currently
happens.  It seemed like a nice idea in principle, but in practice I just
couldn't make it work for us.

Adam Forsyth
Luther College Library and Information Services
Sr. Systems Administrator

On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Ethan Sommer <> wrote:

> We are considering replacing our 200+ AP wireless infrastructure with a
> controller based 802.11n system.
> I believe we have narrowed it down to Aruba, HP Procurve (we use HP switch
> gear), and Meraki.
> I have two questions:
> 1. Are there any hidden costs we should watch out for with any of these
> (particularly Aruba.) Will we hit major costs other than the up front cost
> for the APs and the controllers?
> 2. I know a lot of schools are very happily using Aruba, but I haven't
> heard of any schools using HP and very few using Meraki.
> Are there any schools who have gone with Aruba and regretted it? If so,
> why?
> Are there any schools out there using HP Procurve (formerly Colubrius) or
> Merkai? What do you think of them? Did you have any surprises after you
> deployed?
> Ethan
> --
> Ethan Sommer
> Associate Director of Core Services
> 507-933-7042
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