> -----Original Message-----
> From: The EDUCAUSE Wireless Issues Constituent Group Listserv
> Philippe C
> Sent: 13 November 2012 00:35
> Subject: Re: [WIRELESS-LAN] eduroam question(s)
> ... We have the stats but are not publishing institution specific
> them for privacy reasons.
> http://www.eduroamus.org/node/232
> I have testimonials from Schools like UCSD and UChicago that
> immediately noticed hundreds of visitors on their campuses.
> Drexel University, for instance, had 40 eduroam users the first
> day they turned the SSID on.
> In general large institutions are amazed at how many eduroam
> visitors they have on campus.
> This said, the largest benefit is to make your campus population
> compatible with locations that heavily use
> eduroam (e.g. if your study abroad students go to Europe or
> Australia). There are places in Europe that
> make very difficult to use anything else than eduroam.

...we would probably count as one of those institutions ;)

A graph of our weekly users here/there/visitors-here is on this page:

eduroam is the only SSID we offer to our staff/students.

We've also got a "graph" that shows a monthly snapshot of where visitors
come from:

It's definitely true that there is a critical mass point at which point most
places have it, users start to expect it, and usage rises rapidly.

Kind regards,

James J J Hooper
Senior Network Specialist, University of Bristol

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