You certainly have my attention! We're struggling with some of our high density areas (popular study rooms, lecture halls mostly), and I'd love to hear any suggestions you have.

Frank Sweetser fs at    |  For every problem, there is a solution that
Manager of Network Operations   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute |           - HL Mencken

On 01/29/2014 03:32 PM, Kees Pronk wrote:

We run a Juniper WLAN with at peak time >12K concurrent devices on 700 AP's 
Using the solution since 2007 we are happy with it, appears to me as more 
hassle-free than some other vendor WLAN products...
Feel free to contact me off-list for nitty-gritty details and info on some nice 
innovations we've done in the WLAN performance and security area.


On 29 jan. 2014, at 19:34, "Jimmy Kyriannis <>" 
<> wrote:

Hello all,

Wondering if anyone has any experience they'd be willing to share
(online or offline) with Juniper wireless network products in a campus
environment?  We have strong experience with Cisco wireless, and may be
asked to support a Juniper environment - hoping to understand a bit
about the pros/cons and integration points/compatibility between the two
vendors' technologies from the usual various angles (RF design, AAA,
client support, mobility, etc.)

Thank you,

New York University

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