On Wed, 2009-10-28 at 22:08 -0400, Tom DeReggi wrote: 
> Not that I'm generally a fan to push MT or vendor specific content. 

I disagree with your assessment here.  More on that below.

> There are many venues to get quality MT content for example, I'd rather 
> WISPA push  content that WISPs cant get anywhere else to push a stronger 
> call to action to come.

I don't understand this statement at all.  I am assuming you mean you
would like to see content in this show that isn't being presented
elsewhere.  If so, what, SPECIFICALLY, would you suggest?  

I think the content should include some technical discussions with
specific products or technologies.  To use the example you brought up,
MPLS, we could build a small MPLS network using Mikrotik and Cisco or
any other product.  There could be a couple of sessions explaining the
technology, THEN we could provide a "breakout session" where people
could come in and experiment under the direction of someone who is
knowledgeable in the particular area.  This could be a vendor,
consultant or end user.  It wouldn't matter WHO provided the
configuration, but someone who could answer questions about the demo.  I
don't see this as "pushing a vendor specific content" as much as USING a
known vendor for a particular technology.

Along the same lines, I'd suggest a round table type discussion for
other product offerings such as wireless polling, for example.  You
could have a Canopy guy and some "normal" people (sorry...just a JOKE).
Back to reality, it could be Canopy, Mikrotik (nstreme) and maybe
Alvarion or some others.  Each could offer a short "pitch" of what makes
their solution better (about 5 minute limit each) and the remainder of
the session could be Q&A.  

I'm not recommending any particular content, but suggesting ideas for
what I would consider appropriate vs inappropriate content.

* Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
* http://www.butchevans.com/    * Network Engineering              *
* http://www.wispa.org/         * Wired or Wireless Networks       *
* http://blog.butchevans.com/   * ImageStream, Mikrotik and MORE!  *

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