Every country with a government run medical system....   Denies routine 
medical care, extraordinary medical care, or expensive medical care on a 
routine basis.   This is why babies delivered by the NHS hospitals in 
Britain are less than 90% born in a hospital room or delivery room.     The 
rest are born in hallways, waiting rooms, streets, cabs, or ambulances 
because there are no available rooms.    And, this number hasn't changed 
significantly in years and will not change, because the government simply 
hasn't enough money to expand facilities.

This is why in some cities in Canada, the wait for the assignment of a 
personal physician can take up to 5 years.    The government can't hire 
enough doctors, and those that are hired have no incentive to take on 
greater case loads.

This is why Veterinarians in Canada have near instant access to MRI 
machines, while people do not.    Veterinary services are free market, 
people's service are socialized.

In every case, the government balances it's books by simply denying services 
or delaying services to people.

But, of course, if a government beaurocrat denies treatment, like was done 
for my mother, the patient just dies and we all mutter "ooh, that's so sad" 
and we go on our way, secure in the fact that it wasn't our failure to pull 
out our wallets and give to help the needy, but if someone dies because they 
themselves could not afford to pay for it (as opposed to the agency budget 
not having the money), we get to get all righteous and get on our soapbox 
and yell rants and raves and excoriate those selfish bastards who are 
refusing to give Congress a few more trillion dollars a year to spend in 
ways to benefit themselves politically.

I mean, it's so easy, once the government has to decide, not you having to 
decide whether you have to sacrifice for charity, your conscience and self 
righteousness can remain fully intact - it won't be YOUR fault they died 
like my mother did, because Medicare refused treatment, right?    After all, 
Medicare denies treatment to "covered" patients MORE than any other insurer, 
public or private, in some cases by more than 5 times as many denials as 
private insurance.    Yet, Medicare has the largest percentage of fraudulent 
payments of any insurer, BY FAR.    But, hey, if it's the government's 
responsibility, we're morally relieved of any personal responsibility for 
those who suffer for a lack, right?

Or, are you going to tell us that government can buy unlimited health care 
for everyone?

From: "Matt Liotta" <mlio...@r337.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 4:59 PM
To: "WISPA General List" <wireless@wispa.org>
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Insurance....

> And I guess because you know someone from Canada/Britain/France/Spain/
> etc that swears the healthcare is worse then they make it out to be
> and that the US is where everyone with money goes then it must be
> true. Let's all just ignore study after study that shows every single
> first world country has it better than the US. Sure, I'll believe Cuba
> is hiding the real story. What about the other 30+ countries that have
> better healthcare at a lower GDP cost? Are they lying too?
> -Matt

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