On Mon, 2010-02-08 at 12:03 -0800, Forbes Mercy wrote: 
> While I initially had the same concerns you had and was not even that 
> personally impressed in our meeting with their promoters, I eventually 
> decided it was the way to go for one reason, membership.

So, here is the board (one member anyway) stating that you (not a
committee) decided to go with them.

> Also for those who have stated we have made up our minds, those people 
> are just people stirring s^&t, they speak from no fact whatsoever and 
> just like to say the board just does what they want, it's crap, untrue.

Even YOU say that the board made this decision.  Well, not the board,
but you and Matt.  The message posted to the committee said the same
thing.  Who is the "those people..." you are referring to?  I have
stated nothing more or less than fact.

> We've been very transparent and this debate is us taking that input and 
> using it to weigh heavily in our decision.

Which input are you referring to?  There has been only one message
(mine) posted to the committee list and I didn't say one way or the
other beyond stating that IF we (WISPA) were to put on a show, it would
have to be late in the year due to the timing of the messages and
discussion (or lack of discussion, to be more precise).  FWIW, it would
appear that the board is not even in complete agreement that the path
you and Matt chose is right, as Marlon has been posting things to the
show committee list indicating that HE thinks the show should be a WISPA
event, too.

>   It's a huge decision, easy 
> for members to say "hey you put on your own show" but just think about 
> the work that would put on a volunteer board versus the idea of what I 
> stated above.  

But isn't this a member focused organization?  At least this should have
been a committee decision.  We did not even have opportunity to discuss
it.  We were simply told that you (Forbes) and Matt had made the
decision.  There was no input to consider. 

> Most opinions I've read have been self serving ones, 'put 
> it five miles from my house' kind of thing.  We're trying to serve the 
> entire country and those with the middle America approach are very valid 
> for that reason. We'd really enjoy hearing these kind of ideas but if we 
> sit here and argue where all day we'll never get to put it on and yet 
> another WISPA initiative gets buried in minutia, as a board this is 
> exactly what we are trying to stop.

THEN SEND THE QUESTION TO A COMMITTEE!  Isn't that what the committees
are for?  This isn't even a member's list that you are posting this to
(me, either).

* Butch Evans                   * Professional Network Consultation*
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