I am with him!

Blair Davis
West Michigan Wireless ISP

On 12/21/2010 2:50 PM, MDK wrote:
The problem we have here, Faisal, is not about "constructive" criticism.   I am not arguing the value of policy X vs policy Y, but frustrated that the vast majority of US, who have the most to lose, speak of these things in terms of such inevitability, as if losing the battle against overreaching feds has already been lost, and all that's left is to try to weasel some kind of benefits for ourselves. 
And thus, my undying anger toward a former WISPA leader who went to the FCC and suggested that they START poking their nose in our business.  His intention was to get us political status, so that we could get our nose into the government trough.   That's the kiss of death, and somehow, we've managed to avoid the bullet so far, all hope is NOT lost.
And that's where it all has gone awry. 
And I’m not taking this as personal, relax.  
The point is, we should not be debating the value of regulation X vs the value of regulation Y, but instead seeking to make alliances in Congress to FOREVER butt the government (fcc, etc) out of our business.  
I wrote about 9 months ago, that the new Congress coming would have some very strong allies in that regard, and that there's a change coming, one so big that it'll change our possible future.   Why should we roll over and play dead, failing to ally ourselves with friends in Congress who WANT to exempt us entirely from any meddling in our business?   Why should we play the FCC's game, when there's a much bigger and much better idea - to gain our freedom to do business without having an endless worry about what the changing faces at the FCC are going to do - and have that endless threat and constant looking over our shoulder, wondering when the sword will fall, the train will come down the tracks, or whatever other metaphor is most meaningful to you? 
This means that the money trough from Congress will go AWAY and that we have to earn our freaking keep from now on, with no subsidy, no grants, no loans, at the taxpayer expense.   But I consider that the best business deal we could ever negotiate.   The ANGER of many Congressmen have right now, as directed toward the FCC is one that makes my consternation seem like mild whining.  The FCC is stepping on the toes of Congress, giving them the bird, so to speak.  
If you want strategy, then STRATEGY says we go to Congress.  We have strong allies in both houses, but they need US to give them cover politically, so they can bully the rules through they want, and it really DOES mean freedom for us.   When was the last time a Congress had a near majority in both houses that decided they should BUTT OUT of an industry?  Well, we have it.   And it will be messy.   And controversial.   And some people are going to get all bent out of shape, because they WANT money, more than they want freedom.
I asked this list almost a year ago, directed my comments at the leadership of WISPA, and it said basically the following:   "How long are you going to try to straddle this?"   How long is the leadership going to mouth "we need freedom to operate our business" with the contradicting premise of "we want to get federal money and subsidies"?   The latter never comes with the former.    WISPA is going to have to take a stand, either it's going to say "we invite and recognize the value of  regulation of ISP business, network, and policies" or, it's going to have to say "We believe that our industry is best UNREGULATED".    And they punted.   Instead, I was told to shut the hell up and not bring it up again.
Instead of sitting down and asking our contacts in DC who our friends are, in terms of getting us permanent free market status, the leadership chose to continue straddling the fence, so as to not rock the boat.    And, I will NOT support WISPA, until or unless it actually grows a pair and fights, not to encourage and promote us being regulated, but the RIGHT thing, which is our independence.   Those people who were denigrated and put down, those "tea party" types, have suddenly gotten big pull in DC. 
And they want every ally they can get.  And WE should be one of them.   EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK for the last month, major opinion writers, congressmen, senators, and so on, have ARGUED for our NON regulated status all over the news, tv shows, cable, internet sites, newspapers, magazines, you name it.  Where the hell are we?   Afraid to say the word, all hunkered down and have already given up and declared dead - that being heavily regulated status being a foregone conclusion and our free market status lost.   There's basically TWO organizations, the White House, and Genachowski himself that are pushing it, THAT IS IT.   And they're a tiny, but loud minority, and they have the sympathy of Democrats.   Both of the organizations pushing it, are well funded and are basically socialists, who push an agenda of extreme government power, over all things. 
In this is case, it is not us against Congress, it is us vs the FCC and a couple of special interest groups.   After the new Congress is sworn in, we have a real possibility of getting the law written to say we're to be left alone, and NOT subject to the whims of agency people.   But, like I said almost a year ago...  Ya'll gonna have to decide which side of this fence ya wanna be on.  
You know where I am. 
Neofast, Inc, Making internet easy
541-969-8200  509-386-4589

Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] Flexible rules promised for wireless

Nothing personal here...

I have yet to see some 'constructive' discussion from Mark about how to influence the outcome of such regulations... I am not in favor of the regulation... but ours would not be the first Independent Business to be 'Regulated' in some form or another.. (Food business is regulated, Medial Business is regulated, Fuel Business is regulated etc. etc. etc..)

On one side when larger companies in an industry start to flex their muscles, and start playing arrogant,  that simply invites Regulation... but then again we all behave similar in our own play pens as well... but it is just that we are small and thus don't hit the regulators radar screen..

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