Rather than 3.65 is there a reason not to use 5GHz? I haven't tested the DTS stuff yet, but if it works in AirMax it would open plenty of spectrum (assuming you don't have radar issues). Even so I would look at 5MHz Airmax channels in the 5GHz range, if old wisp is running 2.4 shouldn't be an issue, your only conflict would be your backhauls and depending on backhaul distance you can use 5.2 or 3.6 when you gets the license. I haven't hung any new 2.4 gear in over 3 years because the spectrum has gotten so bad and I'm in pretty much the middle of nowhere.

As for resolution with the old wisp, I would go to the meeting, say I've tried to get along with the old wisp, but that his system was set up in such as way as to not be able to handle the noise that is inherent to license free spectrum. Include the appropriate quotes from part15 about accepting interference.

I'm assuming new wisp customers aren't having a problem. I would point that out. My network is fine because it is designed properly his is falling down because it was designed poorly. I would also point out that all of your equipment falls within part15 specifications (if you are using AirMax for everything it should). I would asked the competitor to provide similar assurances.

On 12/29/10 10:21 AM, Chuck Hogg wrote:
Have everyone use Canopy, sync the aps together, and problems go away. Or wait for UBNT AirSync.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Robert West <robert.w...@just-micro.com <mailto:robert.w...@just-micro.com>> wrote:

    I’m throwing this out there for another WISP to see if anyone has
    any experience with something like this or any ideas.

    Within the past year this operator was asked by a grain operator
    to bring broadband to all of their grain legs.  The operator had
    the idea of, instead of charging the grain dealer for the install,
    to offer the broadband for free in exchange for using the legs for
    access points and sell the service to local customers.  The grain
    dealer agreed, obviously, so he built out a fairly good sized
    network.  For equipment he is using all Ubiquiti radios and CPE
    units and with Pac grids and Bullets for his back haul and Rockets
    with sectors at the APs.  Network has been working perfectly.

    That’s the setup.  Now for the trouble.

    There was and still is an existing WISP in the area.  60 customers
    or so.  (Grain dealer is associated with OLD wisp in a roundabout
    way but chose not to use him for whatever reason)  It’s reported
    that boy is in love with Bullets and OMNI antennas on all of his
    APs.  For CPEs he goes for large grids and Bullets, I believe.  He
    also pushes it as far as he can go, 5 miles or more on those OMNI
    APs.  New operator is using 5.8 for Back Haul, 2.4 for CPE.  Old
    WISP calls new WISP almost immediately.  Interference taking down
    his network.  New wisp changes channels to those suggested by old
    wisp.  Calls again, interference.  New wisp changes channels
    again.  Another phone call, he changes yet again.  Then drops down
    to 10MHz channels to give more room.  Still the phone calls.  For
    a time it was every evening he would have to deal with old wisp
    and still he wouldn’t be happy.  Old wisp then starts calling the
owners of the grain legs raising hell and bad mouthing new wisp. Leg owner calls new wisp, “What’s Up?” Old wisp then wants to
    sell his network to new wisp for fantasy cash.  I tell new wisp,
    “Chill, don’t even think of buying that idiot and his duct tape
    network”.  New wisp then buys a 3.65 license but we all know how
    long that sucker takes and the limitations it has with number of
    channels and the $$ premium per unit.  New wisp has been very nice
    to all parties and has done, from what I see, about all he can
    do.  He’s within all power regulations and has bent over backwards
    to every request put to him by this guy.  (One of the last
    comments from old WISP was that he would get a sector and, in so
    many words, blast him and take down his network)

    Now the latest.  Old wisp has contacted the leg owners and has put
    together a meeting between old wisp, all of new wisps grain leg
    owners, new wisp and two outside parties, one of which is related
    to old wisp boy.

    New Wisp is at a loss to what more can be accomplished other than
    old wisp upgrade his OMNIs to sectors in order to isolate the RF
    away from a competing channel.

    Anyone have any solid resolutions that he can throw out to old
    wisp boy ?   Surely someone here has been there before.


    Robert West

    Just Micro Digital Services Inc.



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