Hi all, with the newly released wmaker-0.95.1 with it's now fully functional debianization, i have updated my WMLive web page with a new build of a live WindowMaker system based on Ubuntu 11.04. On http://www.rumbero.org/wmlive you will find a xzipped tar archive containing the scripts and customizations to remaster a standard Ubuntu 11.04 ISO image on your own.
This time i have also provided two ISO image torrent files for either a CD or a DVD with a preconfigured WMLive environment based on the lates wmaker release. It is not so much eye candy stuff, but rather meant as a useful system administration tool, for which i replaced quite a handful of user centric programs with lots of tools and utilities of interest for the working sysadmin. The WMLive ISO can be used to install a fresh Linux system. I will try to seed these torrents for the coming days and decide based on the response if it is worth the hassle to keep the torrent running. Thanks a lot for keeping up WindowMaker as a viable desktop option! Enjoy! Paul -- http://www.rumbero.org/wmlive -- To unsubscribe, send mail to wmaker-dev-unsubscr...@lists.windowmaker.org.