On Sat, 26 Jan 2013, crmafra wrote:
   If the user tries to set an icon (ignore flag is set) but the file textbox 
is not set we show the

   "Ignore client supplied icon is set, but icon filename textbox is empty. Using 
client supplied icon"

   and use the client-supplied icon instead.

Why not just make sure the option is only enabled when there's a file set and have it disabled and cleared otherwise? Having an option which only results in a warning if the user tries to enable it is not a good UI design. So I think the option should only be enabled when the file textbox is set and disabled if the user removes the file.

I can't comment on Rodolfo's code changes because I can't follow the icon code so I try to only comment on the behaviour.

I also saw a log message that said that the AlwaysUserIcon option is now saved always. That's bad in my opinion because it just makes config files harder to read without helping you in any way because the user will have old config files without this option so you should handle the case when the option is missing anyway. Thus it's better to only have two cases: AlwaysUserIcon option is present (with value Yes) or it's missing instead of also having AlwaysUserIcon=No; as a third case. You might consider this too for the final version of your patch.


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