On Thu, 14 Nov 2013 at 19:51:59 +0000, SJS wrote:
> begin  quoting Carlos R. Mafra as of Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 07:00:08PM +0000:

> > My point of view is that I want to please the current users, because
> > they are _already_ using it due to its _current_ virtues.
> [snip]
> > People argue that "new users" will like to change widget colors in the 
> > _future_.
> > I argue that old users don't care _now_.
> If, in chasing after new users, you make it so that you drive off the
> old users, what do you gain?

I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to say that having the option to
change the WINGs color would drive off old users, but the idea is that
we already like it the way it is, right?

And there's always a small price to pay in terms of code size (I haven't
checked in this case though), so that's why I think it's prudent to
be on the conservative side by default. Small concessions here and there
build up in the end.

But as I said before the WINGs patch will be accepted, since it makes
the code a bit more readable along the way (that's my attempt to look
at the "half full glass").

At this point I think we could better chase new users by improving
our documentation in the windowmaker.org site. It would be great if
people with pedagogic and marketing abilities would devote some time
to the content of our website.

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