On 14-11-2013 07:31, Rodolfo García Peñas (kix) wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for the delay. I am too busy this week. I have a lot of work.
> I am talking about different hats:
> 1. Developer hat
> 2. Commiter hat
> *All* developers have the same weight, and they can disscuss about what
> patches should be uploaded or not.
> The commiter only do the commit. IMO the current behavior is that Carlos
> say what is included or not, he say who are commiters or not, and he say
> the wmaker destination. But, there are no rules. There are no method to
> know if a patch or a new idea will be included or not, there are not
> wmaker destination (we are solving problems, not improving wmaker). If I
> can't decide, I won't waste time writing code.
> I don't want to continue with this discussion more time, but I don't
> like the current method. Some tips IMO:
> 1. We should search a new place with integrated git+BTS+code review (I
> don't know if github or other place could do it). I have a lot of things
> here, in my paper-notepad, about wmaker. I would like to upload them to
> an stable BTS as bugs/wishlist. Why I don't like repo.or.cz? Because we
> don't have BTS, and because the current behavior doesn't include code
> review (we don't discuss about the patches in the mail list), so I (we)
> cannot decide about patches. If something is in the repo then it exist,
> else, the thing (patch, idea) never happended.
> 2. Rules. Rules about what the commiter can do, what can do the
> developers. Definitions about what is a developer, what is a
> commiter,... I would like know what I am doing here. If the commiter has
> more weight than developers and there are only one commiter, we have a
> problem.
> 3. Flexibility to do things and branch definitions. I have experimiental
> branches here about new ideas. I sent some patches twice, but the code
> is only in the mail list, so nobody can help. I would like to make
> commits in expermimental branches and the code could be included in the
> #next branch. The current branching method is a binany method. Or the
> patch is included, or the patch is not included. Patches should be
> stable, solve bugs. The #next branch is only a pre-master branch, so IMO
> there are no differences between #master and #next (only, some time).
> 4. Future. Where we are going? Then, where can we write our ideas, our
> plan?

As a user, I would like to vote to have wmaker on a better place (github
?) with a bug tracker. It improves a lot the visibility (for users) of
what is happening with the project. Most of opensource projects have a
place to fill a bug or feature request, I believe users and wmaker would
benefit of this and would help much more to report issues and test

Renato Botelho

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