On 11/14/2013 08:00 PM, Carlos R. Mafra wrote:
> People argue that "new users" will like to change widget colors in the 
> _future_.
> I argue that old users don't care _now_.
Well, i am one of those old users, if not even one of the very old users
of wmaker.  I use it since at least since the year 2000, if not even
earlier. There is even a changelog entry of the official Debian package
of wmaker 0.91.0-5 from Fri, 07 Jan 2005 citing my name, while
mentioning that i pointed to a patch by our estimated currrent list
member Iain Patterson. Is this old enough? Time certainly flies. :)

Being such an old user, i really wouldn't have minded already in the
long gone _past_ if wmaker would finally be able to change widget colors
in order to be more flexible while trying to create a more homogeneous
desktop without having to subdue oneself to WINGs' color limitations.
But i am repeating myself. :)

At the very same time i defintely would very welcome those functional
enhancements you mentioned in an earlier message within this thread,
namely "a patch to implement resizing by dragging the corners or a patch
to be able to navigate items in a list using the keyboard keys". And i
would add things like copy and paste via keyboard shortcuts, which
already wrote about in this list a few weeks/months ago.

It would be great to have some kind of official TODO or roadmap
containing these enhancement ideas officially published somewhere, in
order to provide some guidance for interested developers.

Yes, "changing the colors does not hurt either" is one way to put it,
but i would rather express it as "enabling WINGs to be more flexible and
adaptive" for those users who are trying to design a minimally
homogeneous desktop in an absolutely heterogeneous world of Linux
desktops and applications. We are in the 21st century now, not in 1995

In fact, as much as i would dislike a overturning revolution in wmaker,
i definitely would not mind some more evolution in both functionality
and design capabilities.

I hope i still count as one of those "old users"? ;)


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