begin  quoting Carlos R. Mafra as of Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 07:00:08PM +0000:
> Regarding the --replace patch I agree that there might be a few
> users out there who could try wmaker for the first time using the --replace
> scenario, but I don't think that is an argument why the log off & log
> in procedure is not the simplest way to go.
> So there is a pretty straightforward way to use wmaker, just log in
> to it. That's what we've always done, it's really simple.

I'm not sure I understand the --replace option -- doesn't windowmaker
already offer a way to easily try other window managers? There's a menu
option for it.

> My point of view is that I want to please the current users, because
> they are _already_ using it due to its _current_ virtues.
> People argue that "new users" will like to change widget colors in the 
> _future_.
> I argue that old users don't care _now_.

If, in chasing after new users, you make it so that you drive off the
old users, what do you gain?

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