
Works for me in Mozilla 1.7 and Firefox. My OS is Fedora.

As for tables, use them for tabular data, not presentation. cells can't exist outside their tables - boxes can be placed anywhere on the page allowing you to completely separate the presentation logic from the content.
Try picking up a site done in tables and re-presenting it so that you have two sites with one code base... or rejigging the markup so you can re-present the site on a device and a screen .... that's the part that takes time.

It can be frustrating, but when you roll a whole new site out in one day by copying, pasting and altering a CSS file then you'll kiss presentation tables goodbye. Tables are still the best things for doing webmail listings, medal tallies, invoices etc etc and can't be beat in that regard.

That 5 hours of experimenting can be put to great use down the line.


Bert Doorn wrote:

Thanks Russ

Stop! Before you do anything, the most important thing you can do for your learning process is accept that a) it¹s going to take time, and b) you will be frustrated along the way. </quote>

Been there and I do agree in principle - I like compact code that makes
sense. But if it takes me 5 hours of experimenting to get a "CSS Only"
layout working in multiple browsers, I can't help but think "why bother".
Especially when that same layout takes 5 minutes using tables and most
visitors can't tell the difference.

No, I won't nest tables 3, 4, 5 or (as with a template one of my clients
sent me today) 6 deep with lots of other ancient artifacts in it.  The
template had no doctype and over 100 errors in HTML4.01 Transitional - an
absolute shocker, yet it looked fine in all browsers I have access to (it
was even usable in Lynx, which did report bad HTML)

Anyway... Still puzzled why the selects in don't work in Netscape 7.

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