This makes a whole lot of sense to me - GOOD sense! I hate nested tables. They drive me up the wall! lol

Thank goodness I have always been one to get rid of unnecessary clutter in the work that I do. Perhaps it comes from learning desktop publishing and working a lot in Excel (creating forms, etc.) where it is not wise to use extra lines and rows to created added space. It is clutter to the eye and is certainly clutter when it comes to doing any form of manipulation.

I can see that a combination of tables and CSS, with CSS being used to keep the "clutter" out of the document itself, is the best way to go.

If there's been a stumbling block in my learning curve, it has been in dealing with layers and layers of nested tables all over the place - which didn't make sense to me in the first place.

At 09:56 AM 5/9/2004, Manuel González Noriega wrote:

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