I am currently working on a web application and I am trying to make it as
accessible as possible. Now I am stuck with one problem where I cannot
decide as to how to mark things up:

I want to display a list of "folders" and "subfolders".

- Folder One
  - Subfolder One
  - Subfolder Two
- Folder Two
- Folder Three

This is fairly simple and straight forward: I make it a <ul> with a couple
of <li>'s and nested lists.

Here the problem though:
I want to display a couple of icons infront of each of the folders (Edit,
Delete, ...). So my list actually looks like this:

- Edit Delete Folder One
  - Edit Delete Subfolder One
  - Edit Delete Subfolder Two
- Edit Delete Folder Two
- Edit Delete Folder Three

Normally I would put the "edit" and "delete" into an unordered list to
separate the links. But this won't work in this particular example, I think.
My nested lists would clash with each other.

I can't come up with any nice solution for this that adheres to web
standards and makes things accessible. 

Any suggestions?

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