Stephen Stagg wrote:
BTW. does anyone know a good way of stylistically adding labels to images? At the moment i'm using:
<p class="image" title="!label!">
   <img src="!URI!" alt="!label!"/><span class="label">!label!</span>
is this right? what do you suggest?

I'd code it this way:
<div id="!id!" class="!class!">
        <img src="!URI!" alt=" " />
        <span class="caption">!caption!</span>

I know that the alt tag is required and is "supposed" to provide content/context to screen readers but, is there any reason to provide the same content 3 different times? Meaningful alt attributes are in my opinion for situations when the content/context provided by the image are not otherwise available to users of adaptive technologies.

I know that some would consider this solution to suffer from "divitis" but, an image and a caption do not fit my description of a paragraph.

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