I'd just like to point out that the alt text does benefit everyone in situations like providing tooltip content and for when images are not able to be downloaded/viewed. i.e. provide content for what the image would have been if it was displayed correctly (in fact I though that this was the reason for 'ALT' text, and it just benefitied assistive technologies like screen readers too, not the other way around?).

Then there is the issue of what is 'meaningful' alt text, but Im not going to touch that one.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Stagg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WSG" <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:57 AM
Subject: [WSG] positive-discrimination === not positive and IMG properties

<rant comment="please correct me if I'm wrong about anything">

Why should Text mode browsers benefit from the ALT property when Graphical agents can't?

I understand that this is planned to change in future specifications but.... Why does the IMG element have an alt property? why not define a label property instead (and longlabel) or caption property. This would make the semantics more readable AND would allow CSS to be non-discriminative. The problem with an ALT prop. is that it stands for 'Alternate Text' this means that, at present, designers are having to go out of their way to cater for disabled people and machine-based readers by adding hidden content, while this is not 'a bad thing', it is not going to encourage people to bother. Also, User-Agents won't display the text because there is a better alternative available. What book/magazine prints pictures without labels or descriptions? If the property name was comment or label, then designers and content managers would see the property as a semantic and presentational benefit. Also, CSS properties could be defined to allow styling of the label alongside the image in graphical browsers as well as in text mode browsers. Therefore people are more aware of the benefits of labeling images, Designers would be encouraged to design according to good publishing practices and (hopefully) disabled people would benefit from more widespread accessibility.


BTW. does anyone know a good way of stylistically adding labels to images? At the moment i'm using:
<p class="image" title="!label!">
   <img src="!URI!" alt="!label!"/><span class="label">!label!</span>
is this right? what do you suggest?

Stephen Stagg.
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