On 7/12/07, Hassan Schroeder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Not that this will necessarily address Marvin's issues, but I just
couldn't let it go by :-)

> First, lets understand the different aspects of web development.
> 1) Web Design - This involves understanding colors, extensive knowledge
> in graphics applications such as photoshop, illustrator or fireworks.

To which I'd say -- sorry, no, that's *graphic* design.

Real "web design" addresses business needs, information architecture,
user experience and interaction design. It's what enables creation of
wireframes or monochrome undecorated prototypes for usability testing
long before any graphic artist's involvement.

Without that, you're just painting pictures in markup...

IMO :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com

                            dream.  code.

Argghh no! the ignorance! Just stop going about thinking you know what
you're talking about when it comes to Graphic Design! Graphic Design isn't
"Make it Purdy", Graphic design isn't "Learn how to use photoshop". It's
exactly that perception that leads to awful website after awful website.
Certainly, aesthetic beauty is a *side effect* of the design process, but
*do not* make the mistake of thinking that's what graphic design is.

Graphic design for print design has four aspects:

Client Needs

Audience Expectations

Process (Identifying the problem space, going through many iterations,
selecting the best solutions, and iterative refinement. This involves a A
knowledge of the principles of good typography, and the principles of good
visual design of course, but it is not pure visual design)


The graphic design process on the web is no different.

A Good graphic designer (one who is familiar with what graphic design
actually is, rather than the ignorant stereotype you just displayed) Should
be involved in the process as EARLY and as OFTEN as possible. Not in the
last step as you suggest. *Most* of this Graphic Designer's time should be
spent with pencils and paper, and not in Photoshop or Illustrator. A great
deal of time evaluating the problem at hand, and iteratively simplifying the
solution. This is graphic design.  If this is not what you've found in
graphic designers in the past, then you have accidentally hired a Stylist,
or possibly an Illustrator, not a graphic designer.

Please do not slander my profession in the future.

And P.S. this is a little tongue in cheek, so don't take too much offense.
But seriously, you are wrong about graphic design.

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