On 7/12/07, Stuart Foulstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, but that's still graphic design of the appearance of Websites, NOT
Website Design.

No, it's Graphic Design, Not "Graphic Design of the Appearance of
Websites". Qualifying it in such a way confuses matters, and is
terribly innaccurate.

It's not designing the dynamic structure, usability and accessibility
(using Web standards) essential for good Website design which will hold
across different platforms/browsers in which the user has control \

Why on earth not? What definition of graphic design do you have which
excludes those things? Certainly not one that I've given.

And no, the visual design should not be the first thing to consider in
meeting a client's requirements.  Too many bad Websites have been produced
in which graphic designers who have pretended to be Website designers and
placed the visual design first and insist that this is paramount.

Who said anything about Visual design? I explicitly said that graphic
design is *Not* about the visual, or aesthetic appearance. As it
stands, I am concerned with Graphic design, and you are unconcerned
with "visual design" "of the appearance of things. " , which I am
largely unconcerned with as well. The only disagreement here is that I
disagree that you reacted to anything that was in my post.

On the other hand, if you or anyone would like to learn what graphic
design is (Hint, it's not making things pretty. Hint hint.) may I
suggest Meggs' History of Graphic Design. This is also a good book for
the original poster. Others are Eric Speikerman's "Don't Steal Sheep",
and  Robert Bringhurst's "Elements of Typographic Style", which
admittedly are only about typography, which is just one aspect of
Graphic Design.

I will leave it at that. If you would want to have further discussion
of this with me off list, I would suggest at least humoring my premise
"Graphic Design's primary focus is not visual", and you will have a
higher chance of learning something, such as what Graphic Design's
primary focus is.

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