It looks like longdesc is only a valid attribute for images.

You could use Javascript (with something like SWFObject) to place the Flash movie. How most work (including SWFObject) is that they actually replace another element (usually div) to place the Flash. That means, if Javascript isn't enabled, the original contents of the div are left in tack. You could put what you would put in a longdesc in this initial div, and then replace it with Flash for those that have Javascript enabled. (Most screen readers don't have Javascript enabled, so this is a valid method).

This is pretty much the standard method for having (almost) accessible Flash.

Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:
A further query on the longdesc attribute.

Is there any reason why I couldn’t use it on a Flash animation? It’d be a great solution for a current problem where I’m trying to update an oldish website to be more accessible. I’ve got a Flash animation that’s a list of (6) headings, each with 3 options (advantage, disadvantage, strategy) that are accessed by clicking on an icon (18 in total). I was going to convert it to a table but maybe I could leave it as the Flash animation and have a longdesc link?

Any thoughts?

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Christian Snodgrass
Azure Ronin Web Design <>
Phone: 859.816.7955

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