On 2008/05/05 23:15 (GMT+0300) Michael Persson apparently typed:

> What do you people, professionals and hobby standardists think about full
> flash websites??

OK for people whose priorities lie in form rather than substance, but
generally no small impediment for many others. Flash players do not exist for
every GUI web browsing environment, and AFAIK, they exist for no text-only
browsing environment. The exclusivity means lockout, both to real users, and
search bots.

> where is the usability and accessibility for flash in general??

As a practical matter, non-existent. As long as Flash content ignores browser
default text size (same as CSS px font sizing) and text zoom (worse than CSS
px font sizing), it locks out the many people who can't read its virtually
universal mousetype or make sense of its itty bitty images. "Flash" is
functionally a synonym for "content-free" for an arbitrarily large number of
people, sighted users with low vision (or even average vision) and/or using
high resolution displays.
". . . . in everything, do to others what you would
have them do to you . . . ."       Matthew 7:12 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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