If I may...

if you're happy with your web experience in IE6, then you need do
nothing IMHO. Eventually, and I imagine IE9 will speed this up,
developers are going to stop giving as much care to IE6 as they do now
- if they do at all. Your web experience in IE6 will begin to dwindle
to text-only pages. Sure, the info is there and If that's all you
want, you'll be fine. ;-)

Depending on the complexity, a lot of extra work is done to give IE6
users a similar experience to a more capable browser. It is where I
work. Extra work may = extra money paid by the client or eaten by the
dev. My point is that issues with IE6 are not JUST about bells and
whistles, but the very page structure itself. I've seen a number of
web pages already that serve unstyled pages to IE6 because it's most
likely just easier and more cost effective. Sure, experienced devs
know how to avoid IE6 pitfalls, and have gotten good at it. But there
comes a time where IE6 does in fact hold back progress, and it's going
to start to lose that kind of stranglehold on web development.

My 2ยข... keep the change.

> Ed,
> This is not aimed as a personal comment, just my general thoughts about
> browsers.
> You are only seeing this from a 'Browser' point of view, what about the
> numerous people who have an elderly system that is not even capable of
> running something like IE 8.
> I still use 3 P3 machines with Win 2000, I can't go above IE 6 without
> upgrading the OS. XP will run on a P3 machine, but for sure neither Vista
> nor Win 7 will work.
> I can no longer buy a new copy of XP, therefore to upgrade my browser I
> would have to buy a new system.


Tom Livingston | Senior Interactive Developer | Media Logic |
ph: 518.456.3015x231 | fx: 518.456.4279 | mlinc.com

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