yet its worth noting that Opera & Firefox make browsers (& good ones) that
work with older OS's
yet newer versions of IE need newer OS's - its clean M$ is in cahoots with
hardware vendors
seeking to push the consumer into upgrading

Some don't even drink milk at all; claiming that it just not suitable for
consumption :)

IE often imitates; never perfects

- S

On 23 June 2010 16:56, Stuart Shearing <> wrote:

> On 14 May I received this from MS as part of a mass mail-out
> Subject "You wouldn't drink nine year old milk"
> "The internet is a lot more advanced now.
> So is Internet Explorer 8.
> When Internet Explorer 6 was launched in 2001...
> ... To keep yourself safe, don't use an out-of-date browser."
> So yes, I'm guessing even Microsoft is tired of the stench!
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "zapcat" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:11 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: [WSG] IE6 Finally Nearing Extinction [STATS]
>  at what point will even microsoft get tired of the stench and  encourage
>> ppl to drop IE 6 and move on to a later browser?
>> I know they'd love to control the web, but they don't and the bad
>>  reputation from always being the problem browser company must be  getting
>> old by now.
>> zc
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