On 8/18/10 6:14 PM, Lyn Smith wrote:
Good morning

Was wondering what the latest opinions are on using fixed width or
liquid design in light of the ever increasing size of monitor


It seems to me, going by the sites I have frequented of late, that
many seem to favour fixed width of 900-1000px which requires
scrolling for 800x600 resolutions but don't look too bad whatever the
higher size of screen and resolution.

Hi Lyn,
As your other replies note, there are several ways of going about this.
FWIW I use another technique, based on a "fixed" 960px wide layout, but
with all structural widths in percents. (Useful for me, as I think in
terms of proportion, not pixels.)

By applying a max-width: 100% to the 960px wide wrapper, I get a
"squishy" design that seems to work well on narrower windows. As noted
earlier, IE 6 does not "do" min-width nor max-width, but I reckon IE 6
users can live with that...

For the benefit of wide screens, a large background image or a pattern
may look nicer than a plain color. YMMV.

P.S. I read Zoe Gillenwater's excellent book, "Flexible Web Design" for
many other ideas:


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